Zapya WebShare APK 1.7.1

Zapya WebShare / Description

Zapya, the world’s fastest file sharing tool, has been well received on multiple platforms since its launch. Now Zapya has a new app for the Android platform in the form a simple and yet powerful tool known as WebShare.

WebShare will allow users to access all of the contents of an Android phone from any device that can connect to the Android phone by WLAN, 4G, WiFi Hotspot or WiFi Direct. Instead of having to download an application onto your computer, all of the following can be done in the web browser to control the Android phone :

- View Photos
- Play Songs
- Watch Videos
- Access any folders on the phone
- Download files from the phone
- Upload files onto phone
- Access Android Apps(.apk)
- Remote control the phone camera

New and interesting usage scenario:
- View Android content from web browser on another phone
- Remote control Android camera, now your old phone can be used as a baby monitor, or hidden camera!
- Display Android notifications and messages in the web browser
- Send text from web browser to Android clipboard and search site

WebShare by Zapya - Simple Multi-Platform Access

Zapya WebShare version 1.7.1 release notes:

1. Add new feature of Recommend For You;
2. Enhance file management with more categories to display photo, audio and APK files;
3. Allow Remote Camera to show GIF animation stored on phone;
4. Enhance file transfer.

• File: com.dewmobile.kuaiya.web-1.7.1.apk
• Size: 4809315 bytes (4.59 MB)
• CRC32: A3CAE021
• MD5: 7F06415CBADA28665C3FEFCE7D9499B3


Tags: Download Zapya WebShare APK, Download APK Free, Zapya WebShare Apk Mirror, Free Apps Android, Download Free Apps Play Store, ApkPure, Apk4Fun, ApkMirror
Admin Ganteng
Admin Ganteng

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