Wiz Note APK 7.6.1

Wiz Note / Description

Wiz Note is a Note software, which is especially designed for Internet users and mobile Internet users. Wiz Note focuses more on knowledge of rapid collection, management, reading and sharing. Wiz Note is Smaller, more stable, and more suitable for PC, phones and mobile Devices. It has a more abundant knowledge organization and rapid fulltext retrieval. Using associated online service, you can synchronise the knowledge between your computer and your cell phone.

Wiz Note version 7.6.1 release notes:

1. 新增快速创建笔记的方式
长按笔记列表右下角的 +,可以快速创建笔记,默认是文本笔记,可到设置里自定义快速创建的笔记类型或模。
2. 修复在笔记列表页移动待下载笔记后,笔记无法上传的问题
3. 修复一些崩溃问题
4. 优化新的同步方式

Download Wiz Note apk 7.6.1:

• File: cn.wiz.note-7.6.1.apk
• Size: 37893859 bytes (36.14 MB)
• CRC32: 0556F83C
• MD5: 9396E65FD102A5405C072F884F55247D

Tags: Download Wiz Note  APK, Download APK Free, Wiz Note Apk Mirror, Free Apps Android, Download Free Apps Play Store, ApkPure, Apk4Fun, ApkMirror
Admin Ganteng
Admin Ganteng

Sadewa Tekno adalah blog untuk berbagi ilmu, berita, dan berbagai hal yang berhubungan dengan teknologi. Seiring berjalannya waktu, kebutuhan akan teknologi pun terus meningkat. Itu sebabnya blog ini dibangun untuk informasi pendukung perkembangan zaman.

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