Brave Run APK 1.5

What's New in Brave Run v1.5

- 製作群新增字型檔提供者及翻譯人員。
- 支援中、英、日三語(依裝置語言設定自動判斷)。
- 按重玩鍵重來時,不顯示暫停鍵。
- 微調推開村民的手指滑動判定距離(50pt→20pt)。
- 遊戲失敗時,停止怪物動畫。
- 微調說明頁上方左右切換鍵位置。
- 關卡選擇頁改成有左右滑進的動畫。
- 遊戲中combo顯示改成會跳動。

Brave Run / Description

EASY - the combat system
TAP to kill the Debbay and swipe to push the others back.

ANNOYING - the Deebays
there are several Deebays, but just KILL THEM ALL!

feel hard to go through the stage? just put all the buffs on!

Beyond the TOP - World Ranking
150 stars to reach the perfect goal. How long can you survive in the endless mode?

Superb KIND - banner ad stages
sick of the the video ad? clear the "AD-free challenge" stages and ban all of them except BUFF-AD for the real free playing.

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Tags: Download Brave Run APK, Download APK Free, Brave Run Apk, ApkPure, Apk4Fun, ApkMirror
Admin Ganteng
Admin Ganteng

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